AC 장별 속뜻 개요, 출11, AC.7752–7813
출11, AC.7752–7813
처음 난 것의 죽음을 경고하다 (1-10절, 장 전체, AC.7764-7798)
7763. 이 장에서 다루는 주제는 그 속뜻으로는 체어리티와 분리된 신앙의 저주(the damnation of faith separate from charity)인데, 이는 자정에 죽음을 맞이하게 된 애굽의 장자들이 상징하는 것이며, 그리고 또한 영적 교회에 속한 사람들에게 전수되어야 할, 진리와 선에 관한 기억-지식(the memory-knowledges of truth and goodthat were to be transferred to those who are of the spiritual church)인데, 이는 이스라엘 자손들이 애굽 사람들에게 요구해야 했던 은금 패물이 상징하는 것입니다. The subject treated of in this chapter in the internal sense is the damnation of faith separate from charity, which is signified by the firstborn of Egypt that were given up to death at midnight; and also the memory-knowledges of truth and good that were to be transferred to those who are of the spiritual church, which knowledges are signified by the vessels of silver and of gold that the sons of Israel were to ask from the Egyptians.