AC 장별 속뜻 개요, 출30, AC.10167–10317
출30, AC.10167–10317
분향할 제단 (1-10절, AC.10176-10213)
회막 봉사에 쓰는 속전 (11-16절, AC.10214-10232)
놋 물두멍 (17-21절, AC.10233-10249)
거룩한 향기름 (22-33절, AC.10250-10288)
거룩한 향 (34-38절, AC.10289-10310)
10175a.이 장에서 다루는 주제는 향단, 속전, 물두멍과 씻기, 그리고 관유 및 향 준비입니다. 그 속뜻으로는, ‘분향’(焚香, burning incense)은 사랑과 체어리티(charity)로 드리는 예배의 모든 것을 주님이 들으시고 받으심을, ‘속전’(贖錢, the expiation of everyone by means of silver)은 주님께 드리는 예배의 모든 것, 자신을 위해서는 전혀, 그래서 어떠한 공로도 자신에게는 돌리지 않는 그런 것을, ‘물두멍과 씻기’(the laver and the washing)는 모든 예배에 앞서 먼저 악으로부터 정결해지는 것을, ‘관유 준비’(灌油, the preparation of the oil of anointing)는 예배에서 사랑의 퀄러티를, ‘향 준비’(香, the preparation of the incense)는 그렇게 드리는 예배의 퀄러티를 각각 상징합니다. The subjects treated of in this chapter are the altar of incense; the expiation of everyone by means of silver; the laver and the washing from it; and the preparation of the oil of anointing, and of the incense. In the internal sense by “burning incense” is signified the hearing and reception by the Lord of all things of the worship which is from love and charity; by “the expiation of everyone by means of silver” is signified the ascription of all things of worship to the Lord, and nothing to self, that no one may have merit. By “the laver and the washing” is signified purification from evils first in all worship. By “the preparation of the oil of anointing” is signified the quality of the love in worship; and by “the preparation of the incense” the quality of the worship from it.