HH.0.0.1, (주1).AC.4535, '종말'(終末, The consummation of the age)(마24)
※ (주1). [이번 에디션에 나오는 레퍼런스들은 모두 엠마뉴엘 스베덴보리(Emanuel Swedenborg)의 '아르카나 코엘레스티아'(Arcana Coelestia, 天界秘義, 1749-1756, 라틴, 창세기, 출애굽기 속뜻 주석)를 비롯, 그가 직접 밝힌 것들입니다. 안 그런 것들은 따로 언급하겠습니다.] 시대의 완성(The consummation of the age, 종말)은 교회의 마지막 시기(the final period of the church)입니다. [References in this edition, unless otherwise noted, are to Emanuel Swedenborg’s Arcana Coelestia and were made by Swedenborg.] The consummation of the age is the final period of the church (n. 4535, 10622).
최후의 심판 THE LAST JUDGMENT (마24)
Preliminary to the foregoing chapters, from chapter 26, an explication has been given of what the Lord foretold about his advent, or the consummation of the age; and it has been repeatedly shown that by his advent or the consummation of the age is signified the last time of the church, which is called in the Word the last judgment. They who do not see beyond the literal sense must suppose that the last judgment is the destruction of the world, and this especially from the Revelation, where it is said:
1또 내가 새 하늘과 새 땅을 보니 처음 하늘과 처음 땅이 없어졌고 바다도 다시 있지 않더라 2또 내가 보매 거룩한 성 새 예루살렘이 하나님께로부터 하늘에서 내려오니 그 준비한 것이 신부가 남편을 위하여 단장한 것 같더라 (계21:1, 2) I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the former heaven and the former earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city new Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven (Rev. 21:1–2).
And also from the prophecies of Isaiah, where are similar words:
17보라 내가 새 하늘과 새 땅을 창조하나니 이전 것은 기억되거나 마음에 생각나지 아니할 것이라 18너희는 내가 창조하는 것으로 말미암아 영원히 기뻐하며 즐거워할지니라 보라 내가 예루살렘을 즐거운 성으로 창조하며 그 백성을 기쁨으로 삼고 (사65:17, 18) Behold I create new heavens and a new earth; therefore the former things shall not be remembered, nor come up upon the heart; but be ye glad and rejoice forever in that which I create, for behold I create Jerusalem an exultation, and her people a gladness (Isa. 65:17–18; 66:22).
내가 지을 새 하늘과 새 땅이 내 앞에 항상 있는 것 같이 너희 자손과 너희 이름이 항상 있으리라 여호와의 말이니라 (사66:22)
[2] 말씀의 문자적 의미, 곧 겉뜻 너머를 볼 수 없는 사람들은 이 땅과 함께 우주 하늘이 불에 타 없어지고, 죽은 자들이 먼저 일어나 새 하늘과 새 땅에서 지내게 될 것이라고 추론해야만 합니다. 그러나 말씀을 그렇게 이해해서는 안 된다는 건 하늘과 땅을 언급한 다른 많은 구절들을 보면 알 수 있는데요, 말씀의 속뜻(internal sense)을 조금이라도 믿는 사람들은 ‘새 하늘과 새 땅’(a new heaven and a new earth)이란 새 교회, 곧 이전 교회가 지나갈 때(AC.1733, 1850, 3355 참조), 그 뒤를 이을 새 교회를, 그리고 그때 ‘하늘’은 그 속(internal), 즉 그 새 교회의 속을, ‘땅’은 겉(external)을 의미한다는 걸 분명히 압니다. They who do not see beyond the literal sense must infer that the universal heaven together with this earth will be annihilated, and that the dead will then for the first time rise again, and dwell in a new heaven and upon a new earth. But that the Word is not to be so understood may be seen from many other passages where the heavens and the earth are mentioned. They who have any faith in an internal sense can plainly see that by “a new heaven and a new earth” is meant a new church, which shall succeed when the former church passes away (see n. 1733, 1850, 3355); and that the “heaven” is its internal and the “earth” its external.
[3] 이 이전 교회의 마지막 때와 새 교회의 처음 때가 바로 주님이 마태복음 24장과 그의 강림에 대해 말씀하시던 ‘시대의 완성’이라고 하는 것입니다. 그때 주님은 이전 교회를 떠나 새 교회로 옮기시기 때문인데요, 이것이 ‘시대의 완성’임은 말씀의 다른 구절들을 통해서도 알 수 있습니다. 이사야에 보면, This last time of a former church and first time of a new church are what is called the “consummation of the age” of which the Lord spoke in Matthew 24, and also are his advent, for the Lord then leaves the former church and comes to the new church. That this is the “consummation of the age” may be seen also from other passages in the Word, as in Isaiah:
21남은 자 곧 야곱의 남은 자가 능하신 하나님께로 돌아올 것이라 22이스라엘이여 네 백성이 바다의 모래 같을지라도 남은 자만 돌아오리니 넘치는 공의로 파멸이 작정되었음이라 23이미 작정된 파멸을 주 만군의 여호와께서 온 세계 중에 끝까지 행하시리라 (사10:21-23) In that day the remains shall return, the remains of Jacob, unto the mighty God; for although thy people Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, remains of it shall return; a consummation is determined, inundated is righteousness; for a consummation and a determination doth the Lord Jehovih Zebaoth make in the whole earth (Isa. 10:21–23).
그러므로 너희는 오만한 자가 되지 말라 너희 결박이 단단해질까 하노라 대저 온 땅을 멸망시키기로 작정하신 것을 내가 만군의 주 여호와께로부터 들었느니라 (사28:22) Now be ye not scorners, lest your punishments be strengthened; for a consummation and a decision have I heard from—with the Lord Jehovih Zebaoth upon the whole earth (Isa. 28:22).
예레미야에는, In Jeremiah:
여호와께서 이와 같이 말씀하시길 이 온 땅이 황폐할 것이나 내가 진멸하지는 아니할 것이며 (렘4:27) Thus said Jehovah, The whole earth shall be a waste, yet will I not make a consummation (Jer. 4:27).
스바냐에는, In Zephaniah:
17내가 사람들에게 고난을 내려 맹인 같이 행하게 하리니 이는 그들이 나 여호와께 범죄하였음이라 또 그들의 피는 쏟아져서 티끌 같이 되며 그들의 살은 분토 같이 될지라 18이는 여호와가 이 땅 모든 주민을 멸절하되 놀랍게 멸절할 것임이라 (습1:17, 18) I will bring men into distresses, and they shall go like the blind, because they have sinned against Jehovah; and their blood shall be poured out like dust, and their flesh like dung, for Jehovah shall make a consummation, yea, a speedy one, with all them that dwell in the land (Zeph. 1:17–18).
여기서 언급된 ‘완성’(the consummation, 파멸, 멸망, 진멸, 멸절)은 교회의 마지막 때이며, ‘땅’(the earth)은 교회임은 구체적으로 들어가면 더욱 분명해집니다. That the “consummation” here mentioned is the last time of the church, and that the “earth” is the church, is manifest from the particulars.
[4] That “earth” or “land” denotes the church, comes from the fact that the land of Canaan was the land where the church had been from the most ancient times, and where afterwards there was the representative of a church among the descendants of Jacob. When this land is said to be “consummated,” it is not the nation in it that is meant, but it is the holy of worship that exists with the nation where the church is. For the Word is spiritual, and the land itself is not spiritual, nor the nation therein, but that which is of the church. (That the land of Canaan was the land where the church had been from the most ancient times may be seen above, n. 567, 3686, 4447, 4454, 4516, 4517; and that for this reason by “land” in the Word is signified the church, n. 566, 662, 1066, 1067, 1262, 3355, 4447.) From this it is manifest what is meant in Isaiah by “making a consummation in the whole land,” or “earth,” and in Zephaniah by the “speedy consummation of all that dwell in the land.” That the Jewish nation which dwelt in that land was not consummated, but the holy of worship with them, is well known.
[5] That this is the “consummation” appears still more plainly in Daniel:
24네 백성과 네 거룩한 성을 위하여 일흔 이레를 기한으로 정하였나니 허물이 그치며 죄가 끝나며 죄악이 용서되며 영원한 의가 드러나며 환상과 예언이 응하며 또 지극히 거룩한 이가 기름 부음을 받으리라, 27그가 그 이레의 절반에 제사와 예물을 금지할 것이며 또 포악하여 가증한 것이 날개를 의지하여 설 것이며 또 이미 정한 종말까지 진노가 황폐하게 하는 자에게 쏟아지리라 (단9:24, 27) Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people, and upon thy city of holiness, to consummate the transgression, and to seal up sins, and to expiate iniquity, and to bring in the righteousness of an age, and to seal up vision and prophet, and to anoint the holy of holies; in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease; at last upon the bird of abominations shall be desolation; and even to the consummation and the determination shall it drop upon the devastation (Dan. 9:24, 27).
[6] From all this it may now be seen that by the “consummation of the age,” respecting which the disciples said to the Lord, “What shall be the sign of thy coming and of the consummation of the age?” (Matt. 24:3) nothing else is signified than the last time of the church; and also by these words of the Lord, which are the last in the same evangelist: “Jesus said to the disciples, Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you all the days even unto the consummation of the age” (Matt. 28:20). It was said by the Lord that he would be with the disciples even to the consummation of the age, because by the Lord’s twelve disciples the like is signified as by the twelve tribes of Israel, namely, all things of love and faith, consequently all things of the church (see n. 3354, 3488, 3858); which is the same as is meant by the twelve tribes (n. 3858, 3926, 3939, 4060). That it is the consummation of the church when there is no longer any charity and therefore no faith. That in this church which is called Christian scarcely anything of charity and its derivative faith survives, thus that the consummation of its age is now at hand, will of the Lord’s Divine mercy be shown in the following pages.