AC.1361, '표상과 의미'(창11:27)
※ 1409. That the historicals are representative, but all the words significative, is evident from what has already been said and shown concerning representatives and significatives (n. 665, 920, 1361);
데라의 족보는 이러하니라 데라는 아브람과 나홀과 하란을 낳고 하란은 롯을 낳았으며 (창11:27) And these are the births of Terah: Terah begat Abram, Nahor, and Haran; and Haran begat Lot.
1359. “And these are the births of Terah” signifies the origins and derivations of the idolatry from which came the representative church. Terah was the son of Nahor, and was also a nation named from him as its father. By him there is signified idolatrous worship. Abram, Nahor, and Haran were sons of Terah, and also nations named from them as their fathers. By them are here signified the idolatrous worships derived from that one. From Lot also there came two nations that were idolaters.
1360. 데라의 족보는 이러하니라 And these are the births of Terah.
This signifies the origins and derivations of the idolatry from which came the representative church. It has been shown above (at verse 10 of this chapter)
셈의 족보는 이러하니라 셈은 백 세 곧 홍수 후 이 년에 아르박삿을 낳았고 (10절)
that “births” signify origins and derivations. Here now the third church after the flood is treated of, which succeeded when the second—treated of from verse 10 to this—
10셈의 족보는 이러하니라 셈은 백 세 곧 홍수 후 이 년에 아르박삿을 낳았고 11아르박삿을 낳은 후에 오백 년을 지내며 자녀를 낳았으며 12아르박삿은 삼십오 세에 셀라를 낳았고 13셀라를 낳은 후에 사백삼 년을 지내며 자녀를 낳았으며 14셀라는 삼십 세에 에벨을 낳았고 15에벨을 낳은 후에 사백삼 년을 지내며 자녀를 낳았으며 16에벨은 삼십사 세에 벨렉을 낳았고 17벨렉을 낳은 후에 사백삼십 년을 지내며 자녀를 낳았으며 18벨렉은 삼십 세에 르우를 낳았고 19르우를 낳은 후에 이백구 년을 지내며 자녀를 낳았으며 20르우는 삼십이 세에 스룩을 낳았고 21스룩을 낳은 후에 이백칠 년을 지내며 자녀를 낳았으며 22스룩은 삼십 세에 나홀을 낳았고 23나홀을 낳은 후에 이백 년을 지내며 자녀를 낳았으며 24나홀은 이십구 세에 데라를 낳았고 25데라를 낳은 후에 백십구 년을 지내며 자녀를 낳았으며 26데라는 칠십 세에 아브람과 나홀과 하란을 낳았더라 27데라의 족보는 이러하니라 데라는 아브람과 나홀과 하란을 낳고 하란은 롯을 낳았으며
became idolatrous in Terah. It has been shown that Terah, Abram, Nahor, and Haran were idolaters, as well as the nations derived from them, as the Ishmaelites and Midianites, and others who were descendants of Abram; besides others in Syria that were derived from Nahor; and also the Moabites and Ammonites, who were descendants of Lot.
1361. That from being idolatrous the church became representative, no one can know unless he knows what a representative is. The things that were represented in the Jewish church, and in the Word, are the Lord and his kingdom, consequently the celestial things of love, and the spiritual things of faith: these are what were represented, besides many things that pertain to these, such as all things that belong to the church. The representing objects are either persons or things that are in the world or upon the earth; in a word, all things that are objects of the senses, insomuch that there is scarcely any object that cannot be a representative. But it is a general law of representation that there is no reflection upon the person or upon the thing which represents, but only upon that thing itself which is represented.
[2] For example, every king, whoever he was, in Judah and Israel, and even in Egypt and elsewhere, could represent the Lord. Their royalty itself is what is representative. So that the worst of all kings could represent, such as the Pharaoh who set Joseph over the land of Egypt, Nebuchadnezzar in Babylon (Dan. 2:37–38),
37왕이여 왕은 여러 왕들 중의 왕이시라 하늘의 하나님이 나라와 권세와 능력과 영광을 왕에게 주셨고 38사람들과 들짐승과 공중의 새들, 어느 곳에 있는 것을 막론하고 그것들을 왕의 손에 넘기사 다 다스리게 하셨으니 왕은 곧 그 금 머리니이다 (단2:37-38)
Saul, and the other kings of Judah and of Israel, of whatever character they were. The anointing itself—from which they were called Jehovah’s anointed—involved this. In like manner all priests, how many soever they were, represented the Lord; the priestly function itself being what is representative; and so in like manner the priests who were evil and impure; because in representatives there is no reflection upon the person, in regard to what his quality is. And not only did men represent, but also beasts, such as all that were offered in sacrifice; the lambs and sheep representing celestial things; the doves and turtledoves, spiritual things; and in like manner the rams, goats, bullocks, and oxen represented lower celestial and spiritual things.
[3] And not only were animate things used as representatives, but also inanimate things, such as the altar and even the stones of the altar, the ark and the tabernacle with all that was in them, and, as everyone may know, the temple with all that was therein, such as the lamps, the breads, and the garments of Aaron. Nor these things only, but also all the rites in the Jewish church were representative. In the ancient churches, representatives extended to all the objects of the senses, to mountains and hills, to valleys, plains, rivers, brooks, fountains, and pools, to groves and trees in general, and to every tree in particular, insomuch that each tree had some definite signification; all which, afterwards, when the significative church had ceased, were made representatives. From all this it may be seen what is meant by representatives. And as things celestial and spiritual—that is—the things of the Lord’s kingdom in the heavens, and of the Lord’s kingdom on earth could be represented not only by men, whosoever and of what quality soever they were, but also by beasts, and even by inanimate things, it may now be seen what a representative church is.
[4] The representatives were of such an efficacy that all things that were done according to the rites commanded appeared holy before the spirits and angels, as for instance when the high priest washed himself with water, when he ministered clothed in his pontifical garments, when he stood before the burning lights, no matter what kind of man he was, even if most impure, and in his heart an idolater. The case was the same with all the other priests. For, as before said, in representatives the person was not reflected upon, but only the thing itself that was represented, quite abstractly from the person, as it was abstractly from the oxen, the bullocks, and the lambs that were sacrificed, or from the blood that was poured round about the altar, and also abstractly from the altar itself; and so on.
[5] This representative church was instituted—after all internal worship was lost, and when worship had become not only merely external, but also idolatrous—in order that there might be some conjunction of heaven with earth, that is, of the Lord through heaven with man, even after the conjunction by the internal things of worship had perished. But what kind of conjunction this is by representatives alone, shall of the Lord’s Divine mercy be told in what follows. Representatives do not begin until the following chapter; in which, and in those that follow, all things in general and in particular are purely representative. Here, the subject treated of is the state of those who were the fathers, before certain of them and their descendants became representative; and it has been shown above that they were in idolatrous worship.