
HH.0.0.1, (주4).AC.1540, '말씀은 오직 상응으로만 기록되었다'(창13)

bygracetistory 2024. 1. 9. 22:34

※ (주4). The Word is written solely by correspondences, and for this reason each thing and all things in it have a spiritual meaning (n. 1404, 1408, 1409, 1540, 1619, 1659, 1709, 1783, 2900, 9086).



1아브람이 애굽에서 그와 그의 아내와 모든 소유와 롯과 함께 네게브로 올라가니 And Abram went up out of Egypt, he and his wife, and all that he had, and Lot with him, toward the south. ... 18이에 아브람이 장막을 옮겨 헤브론에 있는 마므레 상수리 수풀에 이르러 거주하며 거기서 여호와를 위하여 제단을 쌓았더라 And Abram pitched his tent, and came, and dwelt in the oak groves of Mamre, which are in Hebron, and built there an altar unto Jehovah.




This chapter treats of the external man in the Lord which was to be conjoined with his internal man. The external man is the human essence, the internal is the Divine essence. The former is here represented by Lot, but the latter by Abram.










The true historicals of the Word began, as before said, with the foregoing chapter—the twelfth. Up to that point, or rather to Eber, they were made-up historicals. In the internal sense, the historicals here continued respecting Abram are significative of the Lord, and in fact of his first life, such as it was before his external man had been conjoined with the internal so as to make one thing; that is, before his external man had been in like manner made celestial and Divine. The historicals are what represent the Lord; the words themselves are significative of the things that are represented. But being historical, the mind of the reader cannot but be held in them; especially at this day, when most persons, and indeed nearly all, do not believe that there is an internal sense, and still less that it exists in every word; and it may be that in spite of the fact that the internal sense has been so plainly shown thus far, they will not even now acknowledge its existence, and this for the reason that the internal sense appears to recede so far from the sense of the letter as to be scarcely recognized in it. And yet that these historicals cannot be the Word they might know from the mere fact that when separated from the internal sense there is no more of the Divine in them than in any other history; whereas the internal sense makes the Word to be Divine.


[2] That the internal sense is the Word itself is evident from many things that have been revealed, as “out of Egypt have I called my son” (Matt. 2:15);


헤롯이 죽기까지 거기 있었으니 이는 주께서 선지자를 통하여 말씀하신 바 애굽으로부터 내 아들을 불렀다 함을 이루려 하심이라 (마2:15)


besides many others. The Lord himself also, after his resurrection, taught the disciples what had been written concerning him in Moses and the prophets (Luke 24:27);


이에 모세와 모든 선지자의 글로 시작하여 모든 성경에 쓴 바 자기에 관한 것을 자세히 설명하시니라 (눅24:27)


and thus that there is nothing written in the Word that does not regard him, his kingdom, and the church. These are the spiritual and celestial things of the Word; but the things contained in the literal sense are for the most part worldly, corporeal, and earthly; which cannot possibly make the Word of the Lord. At this day men are of such a character that they perceive nothing but such things; and what spiritual and heavenly things are, they scarcely know. It was otherwise with the men of the most ancient and of the ancient church, who, had they lived at this day, and had read the Word, would not have attended at all to the sense of the letter, which they would look upon as nothing, but to the internal sense. They wonder greatly that anyone perceives the Word in any other way. All the books of the ancients were therefore so written as to have in their interior sense a different meaning from that in the letter.