
TCR.27, 1.3.0, 'The Infinity of God or his Immensity and Eternity'(27-35)

bygracetistory 2024. 1. 24. 09:38


There are two properties of the natural world which cause all things of it to be finite; one is space, and the other time. And as the natural world was created by God, and space and time were created together with it and render it finite, it is necessary to treat of the two origins of these properties, namely, immensity and eternity; for the immensity of God relates to spaces and his eternity to times; while both immensity and eternity are included in infinity. But because the infinite transcends the finite, and because a knowledge of the infinite transcends the finite mind, to render it in some measure conceivable it shall be carefully considered in the following order:


(1) God is infinite because he is being and existence in himself, and because all things in the universe have their being and existence from him.


(2) God is infinite because he was before the world was, thus before spaces and times arose.


(3) Since the creation of the world God is in space without space, and in time without time.


(4) In relation to spaces God’s infinity is called immensity, while in relation to times it is called eternity; but although they are so related there is nothing of space in his immensity and nothing of time in his eternity.


(5) The infinity of God can be seen by enlightened reason in very many things in the world.


(6) Every created thing is finite, and the infinite is in finite things as in its receptacles, and is in men as in its images.


These propositions shall be explained one by one.