AC.1730-1733, '하늘과 땅, 천지'(창14:19)
그가 아브람에게 축복하여 이르되 천지의 주재이시요 지극히 높으신 하나님이여 아브람에게 복을 주옵소서 And he blessed him, and said, Blessed be Abram to God Most High, Possessor of the heavens and the earth.
“And he blessed him” signifies the enjoyment of celestial and spiritual things; “and said, Blessed be Abram to God Most High” signifies the Lord’s interior man, that it came into the enjoyment of goods from his internal man; “Possessor of the heavens and the earth” signifies the conjunction of the internal man, or Jehovah, with the interior and the exterior man.
그가 아브람에게 축복하여 He blessed him.
이르되 지극히 높으신 하나님이여 아브람에게 복을 주옵소서 Blessed be Abram to God Most High.
천지의 주재이시요 Possessor of the heavens and the earth.
This signifies the conjunction of the internal man or Jehovah with the interior and the exterior man, as appears from the signification of “heaven and earth.” That which is interior in man is called “heaven”; and that which is exterior is called “earth.” The reason why “heaven” signifies that which is interior in man, is that a man as to his interiors is an image of heaven, and so is a kind of little heaven. Primarily the Lord’s interior man is heaven, because the Lord is the all in all of heaven, and thus is heaven itself. It follows from this that the exterior man is called the earth. For the same reason also, by the “new heavens” and the “new earth,” spoken of in the prophets and in Revelation, nothing else is meant than the Lord’s kingdom, and everyone who is a kingdom of the Lord, or in whom the Lord’s kingdom is. That “heaven and earth” signify these things may be seen, as to “heaven,” n. 82, 911; and as to “earth,” n. 82, 620, 636, 913.
[2] That here “God most high, possessor of the heavens and earth” signifies the conjunction in the Lord of the internal man with the interior and exterior man, may be seen from the fact that as to his internal man the Lord was Jehovah himself; and because the internal man or Jehovah led and instructed the external, as a father his son, therefore relatively to Jehovah he is called, as to the external man, the “son of God”; but relatively to the mother, he is called the “son of man.” The Lord’s internal man, which is Jehovah himself, is what is here called “God most high”; and before plenary conjunction or union was effected, it is called “possessor of the heavens and earth,” that is, possessor of all things which are in the interior and the exterior man; for these, as before said, are here meant by “the heavens and the earth.”