
HH.0.0.1, (주5).AC.1837, '해'(the sun)의 속뜻 (창15:12)

bygracetistory 2024. 1. 26. 00:31

※ 주5. 말씀에서 ‘’는 사랑 관점에서 본 주님을 상징하며, 결과적으로는 주님 사랑을 상징합니다. In the Word the “sun” signifies the Lord in respect to love, and in consequence love to the Lord (n. 1529, 1837, 2441, 2495, 4060, 4696, 7083, 10809).


창15:12, AC.1836-1839

해 질 때에 아브람에게 깊은 잠이 임하고 큰 흑암과 두려움이 그에게 임하였더니 And it came to pass when the sun was going down, that a deep sleep fell upon Abram, and behold a terror of great darkness falling upon him.




해 질 때에 The sun was going down.


That this signifies the time and the state before the consummation is evident from the signification of “the sun.” In the internal sense “the sun” signifies the Lord, and thence it signifies the celestial things which are of love and charity, consequently love itself and charity (spoken of above, n. 30–38, and n. 1053). From this it is evident that the “going down of the sun” denotes the last time of the church, which is called the consummation, when there is no longer any charity. The Lord’s church is also compared to the times of the day; its first period to the rising of the sun, or to the dawn and the morning; its last to the setting of the sun, or to the evening and the shades then prevailing, for the two things are similarly circumstanced. The church is also compared to the times of the year; its first period to the spring, when all things are in bloom; that which is before the last to the autumn, when they begin to become inactive. It is even compared to the metals; its first period is called golden; its last, iron and clay; as in Daniel (2:31–33).


31왕이여 왕이 한 큰 신상을 보셨나이다 그 신상이 왕의 앞에 섰는데 크고 광채가 매우 찬란하며 그 모양이 심히 두려우니 32그 우상의 머리는 순금이요 가슴과 두 팔은 은이요 배와 넓적다리는 놋이요 33그 종아리는 쇠요 그 발은 얼마는 쇠요 얼마는 진흙이었나이다 (단2:31-33)


From all this it is evident what is signified by “the going down of the sun,” namely, that it signifies the time and the state before the consummation, seeing that the sun had not yet set. In what follows, the state of the church when the sun has set is treated of, in that there was then thick darkness and the smoke of a furnace, and that a torch of fire passed between the pieces.