
HH.0.0.1, (주7).AC.4697, '별'(stars)의 속뜻 (창37:4-11, AC.4678-4703)

bygracetistory 2024. 1. 28. 22:50

 주7. 말씀에서 ‘’은 선과 진리에 관한 지식을 상징합니다. In the Word “stars” signify knowledges of good and truth (n. 2495, 2849, 4697).


창37:4-11, AC.4678-4703

9절, 요셉이 다시 꿈을 꾸고 그의 형들에게 말하여 이르되 내가 또 꿈을 꾼즉 해와 달과 열한 별이 내게 절하더이다 하니라 And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it to his brethren, and said, Behold I have dreamed yet a dream, and behold the sun and the moon and eleven stars bowed down themselves to me.























열한 별이 And eleven stars.


That this signifies the knowledges of good and truth is evident from the signification of “stars” as being the knowledges of good and truth. That “stars” have this signification in the Word is because they are small luminaries which shine at night, when they give forth into our atmosphere gleams of light, just as knowledges give forth gleams of good and truth. That such knowledges are signified by “stars” is evident from many passages in the Word, as in Jeremiah:


여호와께서 이와 같이 말씀하셨느니라 그는 해를 낮의 빛으로 주셨고 달과 별들을 밤의 빛으로 정하였고 바다를 뒤흔들어 그 파도로 소리치게 하나니 그의 이름은 만군의 여호와니라 (렘31:35) Thus said Jehovah who giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, who stirreth up the sea that the waves thereof are tumultuous (Jer. 31:35);


where a new church is treated of, and by “giving the sun for a light by day” is signified the good of love and of charity, and by “giving the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night” is signified truth and knowledges.


[2] So too in David:


7큰 빛들을 지으신 이에게 감사하라 그 인자하심이 영원함이로다 8해로 낮을 주관하게 하신 이에게 감사하라 그 인자하심이 영원함이로다 9달과 별들로 밤을 주관하게 하신 이에게 감사하라 그 인자하심이 영원함이로다 (시136:7-9) Jehovah who made great luminaries, the sun to rule by day, and the moon and stars to rule by night (Ps. 136:7–9);


one who knows nothing of the internal sense of the Word will believe that by the “sun” here is meant the sun of the world, and by the “moon and stars” the moon and stars of the world; but from this arises no spiritual and heavenly sense, and yet the Word is heavenly in every particular; from which again it is evident that the goods of love and charity, and the truths of faith, together with the knowledges of these, are what is signified.


[3] So also in the first chapter of Genesis, where the new creation of the celestial man is described:


14하나님이 이르시되 하늘의 궁창에 광명체들이 있어 낮과 밤을 나뉘게 하고 그것들로 징조와 계절과 날과 해를 이루게 하라 15또 광명체들이 하늘의 궁창에 있어 땅을 비추라 하시니 그대로 되니라 16하나님이 두 큰 광명체를 만드사 큰 광명체로 낮을 주관하게 하시고 작은 광명체로 밤을 주관하게 하시며 또 별들을 만드시고 17하나님이 그것들을 하늘의 궁창에 두어 땅을 비추게 하시며 18낮과 밤을 주관하게 하시고 빛과 어둠을 나뉘게 하시니 하나님이 보시기에 좋았더라 (창1:14-18) God said, Let there be luminaries in the expanse of the heavens to distinguish between the day and the night; and let them be for signs and for stated times, and for days and for years; and let them be for luminaries in the expanse of the heavens to give light upon the earth; and it was so. And God made two great luminaries; the greater luminary to rule by day, and the lesser luminary to rule by night; and the stars. And God set them in the expanse of the heavens to give light upon the earth, and to rule in the day and in the night, and to distinguish between the light and the darkness (Gen. 1:14–18; see n. 30–38).


[4] In Matthew:


그 날 환난 후에 즉시 해가 어두워지며 달이 빛을 내지 아니하며 별들이 하늘에서 떨어지며 하늘의 권능들이 흔들리리라 (마24:29) Immediately after the affliction of those days the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken (Matt. 24:29);


that here by the “sun and moon” are signified love and charity, or good and truth, and by the “stars” knowledges, may be seen above (n. 4060); and because the last day or the last state of the church is here treated of, by “the sun being darkened and the moon not giving her light” is signified that then the good of love and of charity will perish; and by “the stars falling from heaven” that the knowledges of good and of truth will also perish.


[5] That these things are signified is evident from the prophetic parts of the Word, in which similar things are said of the last state of the church, as in Isaiah:


9보라 여호와의 날 곧 잔혹히 분냄과 맹렬히 노하는 날이 이르러 땅을 황폐하게 하며 그 중에서 죄인들을 멸하리니 10하늘의 별들과 별 무리가 그 빛을 내지 아니하며 해가 돋아도 어두우며 달이 그 빛을 비추지 아니할 것이로다 (사13:9-10) Behold the day of Jehovah cometh cruel, to make the earth a waste, and he shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it For the stars of the heavens and the constellations thereof shall not shine with their light; the sun shall be darkened in his rising, and the moon shall not cause her light to shine (Isa. 13:9–10).


In Joel:


14사람이 많음이여, 심판의 골짜기에 사람이 많음이여, 심판의 골짜기에 여호와의 날이 가까움이로다 15해와 달이 캄캄하며 별들이 그 빛을 거두도다 (욜3:14-15) The day of Jehovah is near. The sun and the moon have been blackened, and the stars have withdrawn their shining (Joel 3:14-15).


In Ezekiel:


7내가 너를 불 끄듯 할 때에 하늘을 가리어 별을 어둡게 하며 해를 구름으로 가리며 달이 빛을 내지 못하게 할 것임이여 8하늘의 모든 밝은 빛을 내가 네 위에서 어둡게 하여 어둠을 네 땅에 베풀리로다 주 여호와의 말씀이니라 (겔32:7-8) When I shall extinguish thee I will cover the heavens, and I will blacken the stars thereof; I will cover the sun with a cloud, and the moon shall not make her light to shine, all the luminaries of light in heaven will I make black over thee, and will set darkness upon thy land (Ezek. 32:7–8).


And in Revelation:


넷째 천사가 나팔을 부니 해 삼분의 일과 달 삼분의 일과 별들의 삼분의 일이 타격을 받아 그 삼분의 일이 어두워지니 낮 삼분의 일은 비추임이 없고 밤도 그러하더라 (계8:12) The fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; that the third part of them should be darkened, and the day should not shine for the third part of it, and the night in like manner (Rev. 8:12).


[6] Moreover, that “stars” are the knowledges of good and truth is plain from the following passages: in Daniel:


9그 중 한 뿔에서 또 작은 뿔 하나가 나서 남쪽과 동쪽과 또 영화로운 땅을 향하여 심히 커지더니 10그것이 하늘 군대에 미칠 만큼 커져서 그 군대와 별들 중의 몇을 땅에 떨어뜨리고 그것들을 짓밟고 (단8:9-10) Out of one of the horns of the he-goat came forth a little horn, and it grew exceedingly toward the south, and toward the east, and toward adornment. And it grew even to the army of the heavens; and some of the army and of the stars it cast down to the earth, and trampled upon them (Dan. 8:9–10);


and in Revelation:


그 꼬리가 하늘의 별 삼분의 일을 끌어다가 땅에 던지더라 용이 해산하려는 여자 앞에서 그가 해산하면 그 아이를 삼키고자 하더니 (계12:4) The great dragon with his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth (Rev. 12:4).


That “stars” are not meant in these passages is evident. In Daniel and Revelation is described the state of the church in its last times.


[7] Likewise in David:


그가 별들의 수효를 세시고 그것들을 다 이름대로 부르시는도다 (시147:4) Jehovah counteth the number of the stars; he giveth names to all (Ps. 147:4).


해와 달아 그를 찬양하며 밝은 별들아 다 그를 찬양할지어다 (시148:3) Praise ye Jehovah, sun and moon, praise him all ye stars of light (Ps. 148:3).


And in Revelation:


하늘에 큰 이적이 보이니 해를 옷 입은 한 여자가 있는데 그 발 아래에는 달이 있고 그 머리에는 열두 별의 관을 썼더라 (계12:1) A great sign was seen in heaven; a woman encompassed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars (Rev. 12:1).


[8] As “stars” signify the knowledges of good and truth, they signify also the doctrinals of the church, for these are knowledges. The doctrinal respecting faith separate from charity in the last times is thus described by a star in Revelation:


10셋째 천사가 나팔을 부니 횃불 같이 타는 큰 별이 하늘에서 떨어져 강들의 삼분의 일과 여러 물샘에 떨어지니 11이 별 이름은 쓴 쑥이라 물의 삼분의 일이 쓴 쑥이 되매 그 물이 쓴 물이 되므로 많은 사람이 죽더라 (계8:10-11) The third angel sounded, and there fell from heaven a great star burning as a torch, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; and the name of the star is called Wormwood, and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter (Rev. 8:10–11);


the waters made bitter by this star are truths, and the “rivers and fountains of waters” are intelligence thence and wisdom from the Word. (That “waters” are truths may be seen above, n. 2702, 3058, 3424; that “rivers” are intelligence, n. 3051; and that “fountains” are wisdom from the Word, n. 2702, 3424.)