AC.486, 창5:4, '아담은 셋을 낳은 후'(AC.486-491)
2024. 4. 10. 21:09
※ ‘날들’(日, days), ‘해들’(年, years), ‘자녀들’(子女, sons and daughters)의 속뜻
4절, 아담은 셋을 낳은 후 팔백 년을 지내며 자녀들을 낳았으며 And the days of man after he begat Seth were eight hundred years; and he begat sons and daughters.
‘날들’(日, days)은 일반적으로, ‘해들’(年, years)은 구체적으로 때들과 상태들(times and states)을 의미하며, ‘자녀들’(子女, sons and daughters)은 그들이 지각했던 진리들과 선들을 의미합니다. By “days” are signified times and states in general; by “years,” times and states in special; by “sons and daughters” are signified the truths and goods which they perceived.