
매일예배(5/27, 창4:9, AC.370-372), '여호와께서 가인에게 이르시되'

bygracetistory 2021. 5. 27. 13:25

여호와께서 가인에게 이르시되 네 아우 아벨이 어디 있느냐 그가 이르되 내가 알지 못하나이다 내가 내 아우를 지키는 자니이까 And Jehovah said to Cain, Where is Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not, am I my brother’s keeper? (창4:9)



370. ‘여호와께서 가인에게 이르시되’는 이웃 사랑, 혹은 ‘아우 아벨’에 관하여 그들에게 일종의 딕테이트를 주는 어떤 영적 지각을 상징합니다. Jehovah said unto Cain” signifies a certain perceptivity from within that gave them a dictate concerning charity or the “brother Abel.


가인의 대답, ‘내가 알지 못하나이다 내가 내 아우를 지키는 자니이까’는, 신앙이 이웃 사랑을 아무것도 아닌 걸로 여기거나 이웃 사랑에게 순종하는 걸 내켜 하지 않아, 그 결과, 이웃 사랑과 관련된 모든 걸 거부했음을 상징합니다. Cain’s reply, “I know not, am I my brother’s keeper?” signifies that faith considered charity as nothing, and was unwilling to be subservient to it, consequently that faith altogether rejected everything of charity.


그들의 교리는 그런 모습이 되었습니다. Such did their doctrine become.



371. 태고인들은 ‘여호와께서 말씀하심’이라는 표현을 이용해서 퍼셉션을 상징했습니다. 그들은 주께서 그들에게 영적 지각 능력 주셨음을 알고 있었기 때문입니다. By the “speaking of Jehovah” the most ancient people signified perception, for they knew that the Lord gave them the faculty to perceive.


이 퍼셉션은 사랑이 주(主)가 되는 동안은 계속될 수 있었습니다. This perception could continue no longer than while love was the principal.


주님 사랑이 식고, 그 결과, 이웃 사랑 또한 식으면 퍼셉션은 사라졌습니다. When love to the Lord ceased, and consequently love toward the neighbor, perception perished;


그러나 사랑이 아직 남아 있는 한은, 퍼셉션은 남아 있었습니다. but insofar as love remained, perception remained.


이러한 퍼셉션 능력은 태고 교회에 어울렸습니다. 그러나 신앙이 사랑에서 분리되면서, 홍수 후 사람들의 경우와 같이, 이웃 사랑이 신앙을 통해서 주어졌고, 양심이 그 뒤를 이었습니다. 이 양심 또한 일종의 딕테이트를 주는데, 방식이 다릅니다. 이에 관해서는 나중에 주님의 신적 자비로 말씀드리겠습니다. This perceptive faculty was proper to the most ancient church, but when faith became separated from love, as in the people after the flood, and charity was given through faith, then conscience succeeded, which also gives a dictate, but in a different way, of which, by the Lord’s Divine mercy, hereafter.


양심이 딕테이트할 때, 그것은 마치 말씀에 나오는 ‘여호와께서 이르시되’와 같은 식입니다. When conscience dictates, it is in like manner said in the Word that “Jehovah speaks”;


양심이라는 게, 계시로 알게 하신 것들과 지식들, 그리고 말씀으로 형성되기 때문입니다. because conscience is formed from things revealed, and from knowledges, and from the Word;


말씀이 말씀하시거나 딕테이트하실 때, 말씀하시는 분은 주님이십니다. and when the Word speaks, or dictates, it is the Lord who speaks;


그런 까닭에, 심지어 오늘날에조차 양심이나 신앙에 관한 일을 언급할 때, ‘주께서 말씀하십니다’라고 하는 것보다 더 일반적인 표현은 없습니다. hence nothing is more common, even at the present day, when referring to a matter of conscience, or of faith, than to say, “the Lord says.



372. ‘지키는 자’가 된다는 것은 섬기는 것, 유대 교회의 ‘문지기’나 ‘수위’(문지방을 지키는 자)처럼 섬기는 걸 상징합니다. To be a “keeper” signifies to serve, like “door keepers” and “porters” (that is, the keepers of the threshold) in the Jewish church.


신앙은 이웃 사랑의 ‘지키는 자’입니다. 신앙은 원래 그래야 하니까요. 그런데 ‘가인’이라고 하는 교리의 원리들, 곧 신앙이 이웃 사랑을 다스리고자 하는 원리들을 따랐습니다. 7절에서 말씀드린 것처럼 말입니다. Faith is called the “keeper” of charity, from the fact that it ought to serve it, but it was according to the principles of the doctrine called “Cain” that faith should rule, as was said in verse 7.


아래 인용은 '양심'에 대한 글입니다. 아직 번역을 곁들이지 못했습니다. 완성되면 곁들이겠습니다.


New Jerusalem and Its Heavenly Doctrine


9. Conscience


133. In a true conscience is man’s spiritual life itself, for there his faith is conjoined to charity.


On which account to act from conscience is to them to act from their spiritual life; and to act against conscience is to them to act contrary to that life of theirs.


Hence it is that they are in the tranquility of peace, and in internal happiness, when they act according to conscience, and in intranquility and pain, when they act against it.


This pain is what is called remorse of conscience.



134. Man has a conscience of what is good, and a conscience of what is just.


The conscience of what is good is the conscience of the internal man, and the conscience of what is just is the conscience of the external man.


The conscience of what is good consists in acting according to the precepts of faith from internal affection; but the conscience of what is just consists in acting according to civil and moral laws from external affection.


They who have the conscience of what is good, have also the conscience of what is just; but they who have only the conscience of what is just, are in a faculty of receiving the conscience of what is good; and they also do receive it when they are instructed.



135. Conscience, with those who are in charity toward the neighbor, is the conscience of truth, because it is formed by the faith of truth; but with those who are in love to the Lord, it is the conscience of good, because it is formed by the love of truth.


The conscience of these is a superior conscience, and is called the perception of truth from good.


They who have the conscience of truth, are of the Lord’s spiritual kingdom; but they who have the superior conscience, which is called perception, are of the Lord’s celestial kingdom.


2021-05-27(D5)-창세기(창4,9, AC.370-372), '여호와께서 가인에게 이르시되'.hwp
