※ 주5. 말씀에서 ‘’는 사랑 관점에서 본 주님을 상징하며, 결과적으로는 주님 사랑을 상징합니다. In the Word the “sun” signifies the Lord in respect to love, and in consequence love to the Lord (n. 1529, 1837, 2441, 2495, 4060, 4696, 7083, 10809).


창15:12, AC.1836-1839

해 질 때에 아브람에게 깊은 잠이 임하고 큰 흑암과 두려움이 그에게 임하였더니 And it came to pass when the sun was going down, that a deep sleep fell upon Abram, and behold a terror of great darkness falling upon him.




해 질 때에 The sun was going down.


That this signifies the time and the state before the consummation is evident from the signification of “the sun.” In the internal sense “the sun” signifies the Lord, and thence it signifies the celestial things which are of love and charity, consequently love itself and charity (spoken of above, n. 30–38, and n. 1053). From this it is evident that the “going down of the sun” denotes the last time of the church, which is called the consummation, when there is no longer any charity. The Lord’s church is also compared to the times of the day; its first period to the rising of the sun, or to the dawn and the morning; its last to the setting of the sun, or to the evening and the shades then prevailing, for the two things are similarly circumstanced. The church is also compared to the times of the year; its first period to the spring, when all things are in bloom; that which is before the last to the autumn, when they begin to become inactive. It is even compared to the metals; its first period is called golden; its last, iron and clay; as in Daniel (2:31–33).


31왕이여 왕이 한 큰 신상을 보셨나이다 그 신상이 왕의 앞에 섰는데 크고 광채가 매우 찬란하며 그 모양이 심히 두려우니 32그 우상의 머리는 순금이요 가슴과 두 팔은 은이요 배와 넓적다리는 놋이요 33그 종아리는 쇠요 그 발은 얼마는 쇠요 얼마는 진흙이었나이다 (단2:31-33)


From all this it is evident what is signified by “the going down of the sun,” namely, that it signifies the time and the state before the consummation, seeing that the sun had not yet set. In what follows, the state of the church when the sun has set is treated of, in that there was then thick darkness and the smoke of a furnace, and that a torch of fire passed between the pieces.




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※ 주5. 말씀에서 ‘’는 사랑 관점에서 본 주님을 상징하며, 결과적으로는 주님 사랑을 상징합니다. In the Word the “sun” signifies the Lord in respect to love, and in consequence love to the Lord (n. 1529, 1837, 2441, 2495, 4060, 4696, 7083, 10809).


창13 오프닝, AC.1521-1534












It is perfectly well known in heaven, but not so well in the world of spirits, whence comes the light that is so great, namely, from the Lord; and it is a remarkable fact that the Lord appears in the third heaven to the celestial angels as a sun, and to the spiritual angels as a moon. The very origin of the light is this and this alone. But the angels have light in proportion to what is celestial and spiritual with them, and the quality of this determines the quality of their light. Thus the Lord’s celestial and spiritual manifests itself before their external sight by means of light.







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※ (주4). The Word is written solely by correspondences, and for this reason each thing and all things in it have a spiritual meaning (n. 1404, 1408, 1409, 1540, 1619, 1659, 1709, 1783, 2900, 9086).


출21:28-36, AC.9064-9097



























소나 나귀가 거기에 빠지면 And an ox or an ass shall fall in there.


That this signifies which perverts good or truth in the natural, is evident from the signification of “to fall,” as being to pervert (of which below); from the signification of “an ox,” as being the affection of evil in the natural, thus evil therein (of which above, n. 9065); and from the signification of “an ass,” as being truth in the natural (n. 2781, 5492, 5741, 7024, 8078). That “to fall into a pit,” when said of good and truth in the natural, which are signified by “ox and ass,” denotes to pervert, is plain from what is contained in the following verse, where amendment by means of truth is treated of, which can be effected with perverted goods and truths, but not with those that have been extinguished; for when good or truth is perverted, it still remains, although explained in a perverted manner.


[2] “To fall” also denotes to fall by mischance. Because this was signified by “falling into a pit,” therefore it was said by the Lord:


또 그들에게 이르시되 너희 중에 누가 그 아들이나 소가 우물에 빠졌으면 안식일에라도 곧 끌어내지 않겠느냐 하시니 (눅14:5) Which of you shall have an ass or an ox fall into a well, and will not straightway draw him out on the Sabbath day? (Luke 14:5).


This was said by the Lord when He healed on the Sabbath day the man who had the dropsy. In that church, the Sabbath day was most holy because it signified the heavenly marriage, which is the conjunction of good and truth from the Lord (n. 8495, 8510); consequently healings were performed by the Lord on the Sabbath day, because “healing” involved the healing of the spiritual life; and the disease of dropsy the perversion of truth and good; thus “healing” involved the amendment and restoration of perverted truth. For all the Lord’s miracles involved and signified states of the church (n. 8364), as in general do all Divine miracles (n. 7337). Hence then it is that the Lord said, “Which of you shall have an ass or an ox fall into a well, and will not straightway draw him out on the Sabbath day?” by which was signified in the spiritual sense what has been said; for whatsoever the Lord spoke, He spoke from the Divine, and therefore there is an internal sense in each word (n. 9048, 9063). By “a well” in this passage the like is signified as by “a pit,” namely, falsity (see n. 1688). And as “a pit” denotes falsity, therefore also when the Lord spoke about the falsities of the church, He said:


그냥 두라 그들은 맹인이 되어 맹인을 인도하는 자로다 만일 맹인이 맹인을 인도하면 둘이 다 구덩이에 빠지리라 하시니 (마15:14) If the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into a pit (Matt. 15:14).


A blind man” denotes one who is in erroneous ideas; and “falling into a pit” denotes to pervert truth. These things were spoken in comparisons; but in the Word all the comparisons are taken from significatives (n. 3579, 8989).


[3] They who believe that the Divine holiness which is in the Word lies hidden there no deeper than in the sense which appears in the letter, in these and other passages of the Word, see holiness from no other source than from faith that all things of the Word were Divinely inspired, and that there are inexplicable arcana therein known to God alone. But they who are not in this faith despise the Word, merely because the style is in appearance more humble than is the style which is adapted to the genius of the world, such as is to be found with many writers ancient and modern. But let them know that a Divine holiness lies hidden in each and all things of the Word, but it consists in the fact that each and all things treat of the Lord, of His kingdom, and His church. These are things most holy, because they are Divine from the Lord, wherein there is thus eternal life, according to the words of the Lord in John:


살리는 것은 영이니 육은 무익하니라 내가 너희에게 이른 말은 영이요 생명이라 (요6:63) The words that I speak unto you are spirit, and are life (John 6:63).


But these most holy Divine things stand open before the angels in heaven, because these do not apprehend the Word naturally according to the literal sense; but spiritually according to the internal sense. Men also would apprehend the Word according to this sense if they lived an angelic life, that is, a life of faith and love. The things which are contained in the internal sense of the Word are no other than those which the genuine doctrine of the church teaches. The genuine doctrine of the church teaches the Lord, faith in Him, love to Him, and love of the good which is from Him. This love is charity toward the neighbor (n. 6709, 6710, 8123). They who live this life are enlightened by the Lord, and see the holy things of the Word; as by no means do others (see the preface to Genesis 18).













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